Register by 31 December to gain full access to all on-demand presentations and recorded keynote presentations.

Please note: It may take 24 hours for your access to be granted to the meeting platform. Once your access is granted, you will receive an email containing instructions to log into the meeting platform. Thank you for your patience.
Registration Fees per Person After 26 July
Member US$75
Nonmember US$150
Student members* US$30 (free for presenters)
Student nonmember US$75

*If you are a SETAC student member and your abstract is accepted, you qualify for free registration for the meeting. We will provide further instructions with your abstract acceptance notification on how to take advantage of the free registration.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of registration must be received in writing by email to Terresa Murdoch at by 1 September 2021. After this date, no cancellation or refund requests will be considered. No refunds will be granted for no-shows.

All refunds will be made after the meeting.